Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Finally, I got the chemsie and an injection.  The injection was to help "push out" white blood cells from the bone marrow.  The injection was in the back of the arm.  I have two tattoos, both times avoiding the back of the arm. Frozen and flexing, I thought "relax dang it, relax girl, now."  And then it was over.  Oh, I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong...that was not the highlight of my week.
Just before I got arm fondled, friends and family gathered at Willow Creek to eat BBQ and give me money.  It was amazing.  If I could figure out how to get the photos from Jen's camera I would prove it.  Until then, oh the suspense. By amazing I mean great food and drink, just about everyone I know in Boise, some people I didn't know but who are touched by cancer, and my wonderful family.  I guess they figured I've done my part going to weddings, birthdays, and those dreaded holiday events.  Okay kids, we're even.  But seriously, I would have lasted longer at the mic saying my proper "Thank yous" but I was about to follow my sister's tears with my own, and I can't very well publicize emotion... ha, it's what this blog forum is about...plus I was wearing makeup.
It's the same week I experienced five weeks ago, my bones ache but not enough to loose myself in Vicodin, I feel nauseous without vomiting, and energy to spend but a blood cell count that keeps me locked in alone.  Charlotte, my dog, and I have had some amazing conversations about life, goals, happiness.  We agree, writing a story about a female vagabond's encounters along the California coast is a great way enjoy this space and time.  That and watching every movie in the house.  Well, I'm off to revisit Overboard staring Goldie Hawn (who reminds me of my mom) and Kurt Russell... are they still dating and unwed?


  1. Yes, they are still dating and unwed. I have plenty of movies if you want to add more to your collection :) Also, this count needs to improve so I can smother you with hugs and kisses (dads not here so someone has to do it)

  2. thank you for making me laugh. miss you, boo.
